title = "Measurements of the Higgs boson width and anomalous HVV couplings from on-shell and off-shell production in the four-lepton final state",
abstract = "Studies of on-shell and off-shell Higgs boson production in the four-lepton final state are presented, using data from the CMS experiment at the LHC that correspond to an integrated luminosity of 80.2 fb-1 at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. Joint constraints are set on the Higgs boson total width and parameters that express its anomalous couplings to two electroweak vector bosons. These results are combined with those obtained from the data collected at center-of-mass energies of 7 and 8 TeV, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 5.1 and 19.7 fb-1, respectively. Kinematic information from the decay particles and the associated jets are combined using matrix element techniques to identify the production mechanism and to increase sensitivity to the Higgs boson couplings in both production and decay. The constraints on anomalous HVV couplings are found to be consistent with the standard model expectation in both the on-shell and off-shell regions. Under the assumption of a coupling structure similar to that in the standard model, the Higgs boson width is constrained to be 3.2-2.2+2.8 MeV while the expected constraint based on simulation is 4.1-4.0+5.0 MeV. The constraints on the width remain similar with the inclusion of the tested anomalous HVV interactions.",
author = "{CMS Collaboration} and Sirunyan, {A. M.} and A. Tumasyan and W. Adam and F. Ambrogi and E. Asilar and T. Bergauer and J. Brandstetter and M. Dragicevic and J. Er{\"o} and {Escalante Del Valle}, A. and M. Flechl and R. Fr{\"u}hwirth and Ghete, {V. M.} and J. Hrubec and M. Jeitler and N. Krammer and I. Kr{\"a}tschmer and D. Liko and T. Madlener and I. Mikulec and N. Rad and H. Rohringer and J. Schieck and R. Sch{\"o}fbeck and M. Spanring and D. Spitzbart and W. Waltenberger and J. Wittmann and Wulz, {C. E.} and M. Zarucki and V. Chekhovsky and V. Mossolov and {Suarez Gonzalez}, J. and {De Wolf}, {E. A.} and {Di Croce}, D. and X. Janssen and J. Lauwers and A. Lelek and M. Pieters and {Van Haevermaet}, H. and {Van Mechelen}, P. and {Van Remortel}, N. and {Abu Zeid}, S. and F. Blekman and J. D'Hondt and {De Clercq}, J. and K. Deroover and G. Flouris and D. Lontkovskyi and S. Lowette and I. Marchesini and S. Moortgat and L. Moreels and Q. Python and K. Skovpen and S. Tavernier and {Van Doninck}, W. and {Van Mulders}, P. and {Van Parijs}, I. and D. Beghin and B. Bilin and H. Brun and B. Clerbaux and {De Lentdecker}, G. and H. Delannoy and B. Dorney and G. Fasanella and L. Favart and A. Grebenyuk and Kalsi, {A. K.} and T. Lenzi and J. Luetic and N. Postiau and E. Starling and L. Thomas and {Vander Velde}, C. and P. Vanlaer and D. Vannerom and Q. Wang and T. Cornelis and D. Dobur and A. Fagot and M. Gul and I. Khvastunov and D. Poyraz and C. Roskas and D. Trocino and M. Tytgat and W. Verbeke and B. Vermassen and M. Vit and N. Zaganidis and H. Bakhshiansohi and O. Bondu and G. Bruno and C. Caputo and P. David and C. Delaere and M. Delcourt and A. Giammanco and G. Krintiras and V. Lemaitre and A. Magitteri and K. Piotrzkowski and A. Saggio and {Vidal Marono}, M. and P. Vischia and J. Zobec and Alves, {F. L.} and Alves, {G. A.} and {Correia Silva}, G. and C. Hensel and A. Moraes and Pol, {M. E.} and {Rebello Teles}, P. and {Belchior Batista Das Chagas}, E. and W. Carvalho and J. Chinellato and E. Coelho and {Da Costa}, {E. M.} and {Da Silveira}, {G. G.} and {De Jesus Damiao}, D. and {De Oliveira Martins}, C. and {Fonseca De Souza}, S. and H. Malbouisson and {Matos Figueiredo}, D. and {Melo De Almeida}, M. and {Mora Herrera}, C. and L. Mundim and H. Nogima and {Prado Da Silva}, {W. L.} and {Sanchez Rosas}, {L. J.} and A. Santoro and A. Sznajder and M. Thiel and {Tonelli Manganote}, {E. J.} and {Torres Da Silva De Araujo}, F. and {Vilela Pereira}, A. and S. Ahuja and Bernardes, {C. A.} and L. Calligaris and {Fernandez Perez Tomei}, {T. R.} and Gregores, {E. M.} and Mercadante, {P. G.} and Novaes, {S. F.} and Padula, {Sandra S.} and A. Aleksandrov and R. Hadjiiska and P. Iaydjiev and A. Marinov and M. Misheva and M. Rodozov and M. Shopova and G. Sultanov and A. Dimitrov and L. Litov and B. Pavlov and P. Petkov and W. Fang and X. Gao and L. Yuan and M. Ahmad and Bian, {J. G.} and Chen, {G. M.} and Chen, {H. S.} and M. Chen and Y. Chen and Jiang, {C. H.} and D. Leggat and H. Liao and Z. Liu and Shaheen, {S. M.} and A. Spiezia and J. Tao and E. Yazgan and H. Zhang and S. Zhang and J. Zhao and Y. Ban and G. Chen and A. Levin and J. Li and L. Li and Q. Li and Y. Mao and Qian, {S. J.} and D. Wang and Y. Wang and C. Avila and A. Cabrera and {Carrillo Montoya}, {C. A.} and {Chaparro Sierra}, {L. F.} and C. Florez and {Gonz{\'a}lez Hern{\'a}ndez}, {C. F.} and {Segura Delgado}, {M. A.} and B. Courbon and N. Godinovic and D. Lelas and I. Puljak and T. Sculac and Z. Antunovic and M. Kovac and V. Brigljevic and D. Ferencek and K. Kadija and B. Mesic and M. Roguljic and A. Starodumov and T. Susa and Ather, {M. W.} and A. Attikis and M. Kolosova and G. Mavromanolakis and J. Mousa and C. Nicolaou and F. Ptochos and Razis, {P. A.} and H. Rykaczewski and M. Finger and M. Finger and E. Ayala and {Carrera Jarrin}, E. and Abdelalim, {A. A.} and Y. Assran and A. Mohamed and S. Bhowmik and {Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira}, A. and Dewanjee, {R. K.} and K. Ehataht and M. Kadastik and M. Raidal and C. Veelken and P. Eerola and H. Kirschenmann and J. Pekkanen and M. Voutilainen and J. Havukainen and Heikkil{\"a}, {J. K.} and T. J{\"a}rvinen and V. Karim{\"a}ki and R. Kinnunen and T. Lamp{\'e}n and K. Lassila-Perini and D. Acosta and P. Avery and D. Bourilkov and Field, {R. D.} and A. Korytov and K. Matchev and G. Mitselmakher",
note = "Publisher Copyright: {\textcopyright} 2019 CERN.",
year = "2019",
month = jun,
day = "11",
doi = "10.1103/PhysRevD.99.112003",
language = "English",
volume = "99",
journal = "Physical Review D",
issn = "2470-0010",
publisher = "American Physical Society",
number = "11",