A pilot study of tandem high-dose chemotherapy with stem cell rescue as consolidation for high-risk neuroblastoma: Children's Oncology Group study ANBL00P1

A. E. Seif, A. Naranjo, D. L. Baker, N. J. Bunin, M. Kletzel, C. S. Kretschmar, J. M. Maris, P. W. McGrady, D. Von Allmen, S. L. Cohn, W. B. London, J. R. Park, L. R. Diller, S. A. Grupp

Producción científica: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

45 Citas (Scopus)


Increasing treatment intensity has improved outcomes for children with neuroblastoma. We performed a pilot study in the Children's Oncology Group to assess the feasibility and toxicity of a tandem myeloablative regimen without TBI supported by autologous CD34-selected peripheral blood stem cells. Forty-one patients with high-risk neuroblastoma were enrolled; eight patients did not receive any myeloablative consolidation procedure and seven received only one. Two patients out of 41 (4.9%) experienced transplant-related mortality. CD34 selection was discontinued after subjects were enrolled due to serious viral illness. From the time of study enrollment, the overall 3-year EFS and OS were 44.8±9.6% and 59.2±9.2% (N=41). These results demonstrate that tandem transplantation in the cooperative group setting is feasible and support a randomized comparison of single vs tandem myeloablative consolidation with PBSC support for high-risk neuroblastoma.

Idioma originalInglés
Páginas (desde-hasta)947-952
Número de páginas6
PublicaciónBone Marrow Transplantation
EstadoPublicada - jul. 2013

Nota bibliográfica

Funding Information:
Supported in part by the WW Smith Charitable Trust, and the Foerderer-Murray, Weinberg and Sanford Funds of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (S.A. Grupp); the Robert A. Good/ASBMT New Investigator Award (A.E. Seif); NIH grants U10 CA98413 (COG SDC grant) and U10 CA98543 (COG Chair’s grant). We would also like to thank Danniel Gaidula, MFA, for assistance in preparing Figure 1.

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Hematología
  • Transplantes


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