Workshop on Advanced Cyber-Enabled Discovery & Innovation (CDI) Through Symbolic and Numeric Computation

  • Kaltofen, Erich E.L. (Investigador principal)

Detalles del proyecto


The discipline of symbolic computation provides advanced software for cyber-enabled discovery and innovation. Symbolic methodologies and programs are applied to problem solving and model discovery in

--scientific computing,



--inter-system communication protocols and standards,

--categorical language design, generic programming and compilation,

and more. Due to the complexity of the arising computations, parallel and distributes environments are coming into use, symbolic and numeric approaches are combined into hybrid methods, and semantic verification and output certification (e.g., through Las Vegas randomization and numerical error analysis) are performed.

We propose to gather in late October or early November 2007 in Washington DC a group of 24--30 invited internationally recognized experts from academia and industry in both symbolic computation and its CDI applications disciplines (e.g., numerical computing, physics, mathematics, computing language design and compilation, parallel and distributed computation, program interface design) for a one and one half day workshop. The objectives of our workshop are to discuss and produce a report on possible research directions and their synergies for CDI through symbolic computation, both in the symbolic computation and the applications disciplines. Novel uses of symbolic computation can be sparse model construction by hybrid symbolic/numeric methods, sparse exact matrix computations for problems from physics and mathematics, multi-level parallel software design for polynomial system solution and non-linear optimization, high-level categorical and verifiable program design, algorithm synthesis, and more.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin15/9/0728/2/10


  • National Science Foundation: USD40,905.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Matemática computacional
  • Redes de ordenadores y comunicaciones
  • Ingeniería eléctrica y electrónica
  • Comunicación

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