U.S.-Korea Cooperative Research on Dynamic Processes on Femto-Second Time Scales

Detalles del proyecto


9414072 Dufty This award provides funds to permit Drs. James W. Dufty and Christopher J. Stanton, Department of Physics, University of Florida, to pursue with Dr. Chang Sub Kim, Department of Physics, Chonnam University, Korea, for 36 months, a program of cooperative research on dynamic processes on femto-second time scales. The objective of this research is to provide a secure theoretical framework for a wide class of spectroscopic studies, a generalization of existing theory to short times, and practical models for comparisons with experiments. Prototype systems of interest include compound semiconductors of practical importance such as GaAs an InP. Examples of phenomena to be studied are charge carrier dynamics at short times as observed by femptosecond pump-probe experiments. The proposed combination of experimental and theoretical approaches will be used to provide fundamental information about the physics of excited carriers in semiconductors and how they impact electronic and optoelectronic device performance. The collaborators have acquired considerable complementary experience in research related to the field of their proposed project. This project is relevant to the objectives of the U.S.-Korea Cooperative Science Program which seeks to increase the level of cooperation between U.S. and Korean scientists and engineers through the exchange of scientific information, ideas, skills, and techniques and through collaboration on problems of mutual benefit. Korean participation in the project is supported by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF). ***

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/8/9531/7/01


  • National Science Foundation: USD35,480.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Física y astronomía (todo)
  • Ingeniería (todo)

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