Rustbelt Center for AIDS Research (Case/UHC-Pitt CFAR)

  • Karn, Jonathan J (Investigador principal)
  • Avery, Ann A.K (CoPI)
  • Arts, Eric (CoPI)
  • Levine, Alan A.D (CoPI)
  • Boom, Henry (CoPI)
  • Cameron, Mark James (CoPI)
  • Chance, Mark R. (CoPI)
  • Cameron, Cheryl C.M (CoPI)
  • Ellner, Jerrold J. (CoPI)
  • Jacobson, Jeffrey J.M (CoPI)
  • Tilton, John J.C (CoPI)
  • Kallianpur, Asha R. (CoPI)
  • Kaplan, David (CoPI)
  • Kaplan, David R. (CoPI)
  • Lederman, Michael (CoPI)
  • Lederman, Michael Marcel (CoPI)
  • Leis, Jonathan P. (CoPI)
  • Longenecker, Chris Todd (CoPI)
  • Mcdonald, David J. (CoPI)
  • Mcgrath, Janet W. (CoPI)
  • Merrick, William C. (CoPI)
  • Nankya, Immaculate Lillian (CoPI)
  • Popkin, Daniel Lewis (CoPI)
  • Quinones-mateu, Miguel E. (CoPI)
  • Remick, Scot C. (CoPI)
  • Renne, Rolf (CoPI)
  • Rich, Elizabeth (CoPI)
  • Rodriguez, Benigno (CoPI)
  • Salata, Robert A. (CoPI)
  • Sieg, Scott Frederick (CoPI)
  • Skowronski, Jacek (CoPI)
  • Le-grice, Stuart S.F (CoPI)
  • Hillier, Sharon L. (CoPI)
  • Toossi, Zahra Toossi (CoPI)
  • Whalen, Christina (CoPI)
  • Kaplan, David W. (CoPI)

Detalles del proyecto


The RUSTBELT Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) is a close partnership between Case Western Reserve
University and the University of Pittsburgh. The MPIs for the RUSTBELT CFAR will be Dr. Jonathan Karn at
CWRU, who has directed the CWRU/University Hospital CFAR since 2008, and Dr. Sharon Hillier at the
University of Pittsburgh, who is a leader in HIV prevention research. By combining the two complementary
programs in Cleveland and Pittsburgh, a larger range of services and activities are offered. The research
strengths in Cleveland and Pittsburgh will exploit natural synergies and increase the impact of our NIH-funded
research programs through the development of regional interdisciplinary teams. The RUSTBELT CFAR has 242
members (216 Full; 41 Associate; 26 International) and an NIH-funded research base of over $56 M. The Aims
of the RUSTBELT CFAR are to (1) provide scientific and administrative leadership to position the RUSTBELT CFAR
at the forefront of HIV research (Administrative Core A), (2) promote new faculty development (Developmental
Core B), (3) support cutting-edge international research in Uganda (Uganda Core C), (4) support state-of-the-art
clinical research through access to an unrivaled set of clinical cohorts, a broad array of tissue specimens, cutting-
edge clinical assays, and community outreach (Clinical Sciences Core D), and (5) develop and expand
translational and basic research infrastructure to support innovative multidisciplinary HIV research (Viral
Pathogenesis & Persistence Core E; Systems Biology and Biostatistics Core F). The highly interactive Cores will
not only provide access to state-of-the-art technologies, bioinformatics, and expertise, but also actively
participate in the development of new approaches that will be shared between the two institutions. Two scientific
strategic working groups led jointly by mid-career investigators from each institution will stimulate new research
initiatives across the RUSTBELT CFAR focused on Sex & Gender and Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE). The
RUSTBELT CFAR will increase and focus its efforts on HIV prevention in Cuyahoga County, one of the 48 counties
targeted as a priority in the Presidential plan to end the epidemic, building on the successful implementation of
AIDS-free Pittsburgh in Allegheny County. Strong institutional support from each of the universities paired with
strong community engagement provides the foundations for successful implementation of the research plan. In
summary, through its scientific leadership, mentoring, pilot funding, scientific Cores, community outreach, and
unique programs in Uganda, the RUSTBELT CFAR has effectively positioned its investigators at the leading edge
of HIV/AIDS research.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/4/9430/4/24

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Enfermedades infecciosas
  • Salud pública, medioambiental y laboral

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