Planning Grant: I/UCRC for Configuration Analytics and Automation

  • Wu, Shyhtsun S.F. (Investigador principal)

Detalles del proyecto


Planning Grant: I/UCRC for Configuration Analytics and Automation (CCAA)

1161015 University of North Carolina Charlotte (UNCC); Ehab Al-Shaer

1161009 George Mason University (GMU); Sushil Jajodia

1161044 University of California-Davis; Shyhtsun Wu

The University of North Carolina Charlotte (UNCC), George Mason University (GMU) and the University of California-Davis (UCD) are collaborating to establish the proposed center, with UNCC as the lead institution. The planning grant will permit these universities to coordinate, prepare and conduct meetings with potential industry members who have expressed interest in joining CCAA.

The goal of the proposed center is to build the critical mass of an inter-disciplinary academic researchers and industry partnership for addressing the current and future challenges of configuration analytics and automation to improve enterprise IT system and service manageability, performance, assurability, security and sustainability; and applying innovative analytics and automation to complex networked systems including: enterprise networking of clouds and data centers, hybrid and cyber-physical systems, smart critical infrastructures, mission-oriented networks (sensor-actuator networks), virtual overlays, social networks and mobile systems.

The proposed center will address the need of large Enterprises in the private sectors dealing with regulatory compliance requirements; government organizations; and IT product providers who have significant share of the market either in private sector or government and those niche products adopted by specific industries such as IT management systems, and emerging cloud services who are essential participants. The three participating universities have a strong record of industry collaboration and technology transfer. In addition, CCAA has a strong educational components that includes training undergraduate and graduate students, creating a new multi-disciplinary certificate on Configuration Analytics at UNCC, and involving minority and under-represented students through courses, seminars, workshops and research projects.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/5/1230/4/13


  • National Science Foundation: USD11,500.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Procesamiento de senales
  • Ingeniería (todo)
  • Educación

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