Phased-Array Antennas For Advanced Extremely High Frequency Satellite Communications

  • Nakatani, Toshifumi T. (Investigador principal)

Detalles del proyecto


To meet the demands of the A19C-T006 'Phased-Array Antennas For Advanced Extremely High Frequency Satellite Communications', the MaXentric / North Carolina State University (NCSU) team proposes the PATISSERIE (Phased Array Transceiver Integrated into Semiconductor Substrate with Extendable Radiation Interface Elements), which provides a low cost phased-array antennas for advanced extremely high frequency (AEHF) satellite communications (SATCOM) based on integrated circuit technologies. The team leverages the NCSU's Extendable phased-array Platform ICs (EPIC) technology, where the system is partitioned into interchangeable millimeter-wave beamformers and a flexible and reusable 'core' transceiver. During Phase I, MaXentric will design and analyze a prototype AEHF phased-array system based on IC technologies. The design will be trade-studied between silicon, III-V semiconductor and heterogeneous integration of multiple technologies. A beam-steering scheme will be included for the phased-array design. Electromagnetic performance for an individual antenna element and an overall phased array will be analyzed. Toward Phase II proposal, the team will make a plan for developing and demonstrating prototypes of the phased-array antennas for SATCOM ground controls supporting MIL-STD-1582D, MIL-STD-188/136A and other standards.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/4/201/7/20


  • U.S. Army: USD166,365.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Redes de ordenadores y comunicaciones
  • Ingeniería eléctrica y electrónica
  • Ingeniería (todo)

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