ORE Core

  • Welsh-bohmer, Kathleen Anne (Investigador principal)
  • Welsh-bohmer, Kathleen K.A (Investigador principal)

Detalles del proyecto


The Duke/UNC ADRC Outreach, Recruitment and Engagement (ORE) Core supports the goals of our proposed
Duke/UNC Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) by leveraging a strong foundation of existing
collaborative Duke-UNC programs promoting outreach and education in the community in order to facilitate
research recruitment into the ADRC and its supported projects, with a particular focus on the enfranchisement
of clinically underserved groups in our region. Our three aims are to 1) Facilitate recruitment and retention of
diverse cognitively normal and cognitively impaired participants into the Clinical Core and the research it supports
for the ADRC; 2) Provide education and outreach to the local community including expanded outreach to under-
represented groups; and 3) Promote public awareness of brain health and encourage community advocacy for
research on Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias (AD+ADRD). In order to meet these
aims, we will work closely with our existing African American Community Outreach Program, the multi-university
North Carolina Registry for Brain Health, and the Duke Dementia Family Support Program, along with developing
and leveraging partnerships with UNC’s award-winning statewide network of primary care centers and the
Carolina Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program. By implementing a personalized-VIP approach with each
potential ADRC participant, and through an array of specialized programs, such as the Young Ambassadors,
designed to heighten community engagement and participation by training community volunteers to serve as
health system navigators and educators, we aim to serve as a major provider of clinical resources and education
as well as a hub for AD+ADRD research in North Carolina.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/7/2130/6/24


  • National Institute on Aging: USD346,161.00
  • National Institute on Aging: USD278,207.00
  • National Institute on Aging: USD294,754.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Neurología clínica
  • Neurología
  • Ciencias sociales (todo)

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