Multi-cue Guidance of Mesenchymal Cell Migration

  • Haugh, Jason J.M (Investigador principal)

Detalles del proyecto


Cells in a variety of contexts migrate towards soluble chemical cues in a process known as chemotaxis.
Despite nearly a century of study, the mechanistic underpinnings of chemotaxis remain incompletely
understood. Spatial gradients of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and other chemoattractants direct
the movements of mesenchymal cells in tissues to coordinate and accelerate physiologically important
processes such as wound healing, and mesenchymal chemotaxis has been implicated in pathological
conditions such as cardiovascular and fibrotic diseases. Despite the central role that fibroblasts and other
mesenchymal cells play in wound healing and other disease processes such as metastatic cancer and
fibrosis, a rigorous understanding of mechanisms governing the directed migration of mesenchymal cells
is only recently emerging. To advance further, a quantitative, integrative approach is required.
Specifically, it is necessary to elucidate how the central regulatory pathways network with others and how
they are coordinated with respect to subcellular location and time to affect cell behavior. In the context of
directed mesenchymal cell migration, another layer of complexity is the variation of gradient conditions
(midpoint concentration/surface density and steepness). Enabled by new engineering advances, we are
poised to tackle these new questions related to chemotaxis and haptotaxis and to their combinatorial
influence in multi-cue settings. Our Specific Aims are as follows:
Aim 1: Decoding the dynamics of multiple signaling axes that shape mesenchymal chemotaxis.
We will test the hypothesis that protrusion dynamics are governed by the metastable push/pull of Arp2/3
complex and NMII activities, which are insufficiently biased by a chemotactic gradient. With stable
polarization of active PKC in the most-up-gradient protrusion, the inactivation of NMII there provides a
‘port in the storm’ for pro-Arp2/3 signaling to mediate more productive protrusion.
Aim 2: Probing the dynamics of haptotactic sensing and signal amplification. We hypothesize that
differential integrin engagement on ECM gradients drives significant cell migration bias through feedback
amplification of the pro-Arp2/3 signaling axis. If so, it would imply that haptotactic gradients are able to
bias pro-Arp2/3 signaling in mesenchymal cells to an extent that chemotactic gradients cannot.
Aim 3: Defining gradient synergy and prioritization in multi-cue scenarios. Despite the relevance
for guidance of mesenchymal cells in vivo, it is completely unknown how cells respond to co-presentation
of the two gradient types in a controlled setting. Considering how chemotaxis and haptotaxis affect
dynamic regulation of the actin cytoskeleton in fibroblasts, we hypothesize that the two gradients
synergize when presented in a parallel orientation. By presenting the gradients in an antiparallel or
orthogonal orientation, we will determine how cells prioritize the two types of cues.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/4/2131/1/24


  • National Institute of General Medical Sciences: USD288,755.00
  • National Institute of General Medical Sciences: USD259,879.00
  • National Institute of General Medical Sciences: USD288,755.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Oncología

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