Methods and Instruments for High-Precision Characterization of LIGO Optical Components

Detalles del proyecto


This is a collaborative project between the Institute of Applied Physics in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia and the University of Florida. The researchers will develop new experimental techniques and apparatus to test LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravity-wave Observatory) optical components. It is well known that detection of gravitational waves imposes extremely high requirements on the quality of optical components in the interferometer. Therefore commonly used techniques for characterizing optical surfaces and bulk properties are inadequate for LIGO. The required steps in the test procedure include pre-installation and in-situ measurements of optical components, diagnosis of aging and contamination effects and monitoring of optical component performance under high-power CW radiation loading. The technical and scientific expertise of the Institute of Applied Physics and University of Florida personnel will make possible significant contributions to the success of the LIGO project.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/8/9931/7/02


  • National Science Foundation: USD350,536.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Física y astronomía (todo)

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