Detalles del proyecto


The thematic program for the 2018 Sanibel Symposium focuses on magnetism, a major scientific topic related to quantum materials. Understanding magnetism in systems of diverse size scales, such as molecules, interfaces, and junctions, is of great fundamental and application importance. Rooted in quantum mechanics, magnetism is a physical property essential to contemporary and emerging electronics and spintronics, quantum materials and quantum computing. Size and scale dependences are crucial to the essential quantum effects. In the golden age for computational sciences which we witness today, new developments in computation-oriented theory and methods are critical to finding unanticipated magnetic phenomena and to discovery of enabling materials. A crucial objective of this meeting is creation of a platform that facilitates cross-fertilization among chemists, physicists, and engineers. To engage participants and deepen scientific interchange, the Sanibel Symposia have no parallel sessions. The organizers balance plenary talks and well-attended poster sessions. The goal is to foster the growth of skill, knowledge, and interest, in key molecular and materials areas and to foster long-term involvement in computational chemistry and materials physics. Making the Symposium accessible at an early-career stage does this by linking younger researchers to the community in a solidly professional way: serious discussions of forefront theory, its computational implementation, and demanding application. Details are on the web site,

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin15/2/1814/2/19


  • Basic Energy Sciences: USD15,000.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Física y astronomía (todo)
  • Energía (todo)

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