International REU site for Gravitational Physics

Detalles del proyecto


This award supports an international REU site for Gravitational Physics with potential research sites including the Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover; the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Osawa; the University of Birmingham, UK; the University of Glasgow, Scotland; and the University of Perth, WA, in conjunction with the University of Florida. The REU experience is ten weeks long, including 8 weeks abroad and 2 weeks pre- and post-travel at the University of Florida. The focus of this REU program is on projects related to the detection of gravitational waves. The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) and NSF supported Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatories (LIGO) projects take advantage of a growing number of research-able faculty at small and minority colleges in support of their research efforts. Students at these institutions are particularly urged to apply. These undergraduate students will have an opportunity to establish contact with, experience the research environment of, and work beside, international collaborators involved in all aspects of gravitational wave detection. Potential research projects range from analysis of LIGO data, to planning for LISA, to experimental Advanced LIGO research. The international partners will provide appropriate and valuable educational experience for US undergraduates, increase the scientific and personal horizon of the students, and directly foster the growth of research at smaller colleges involved in Gravitational Physics research. In addition, through their students, small colleges will have an opportunity to expand their own international research contacts. This award is co-funded through the Office of International Science and Engineering.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/4/0731/3/11


  • National Science Foundation: USD364,146.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Física y astronomía (todo)

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