Infrared Properties of Oxide Superconductors

Detalles del proyecto


This research is concerned with a study of the optical properties of as-grown and artificially-structured high-temperature superconductors over the far-infrared through ultraviolet wavelength range. The role of the superconducting layer thickness and of interlayer coupling will be studied through measurements of yttrium-barium-cuprate/praseodymium-barium-cuprate multilayer systems. Measurements of a wide variety of other high temperature superconductor materials will address issues such as the superconducting energy gap and the nature of the non-Drude absorption that occurs in the midinfrared range. The project represents a collaboration between the University of Florida, where most of the infrared measurements will be made, and Bell Communications Research, where much of the sample preparation will be carried out.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/6/9131/5/95


  • National Science Foundation: USD234,000.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Ciencia de los materiales (todo)

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