Homeostatic plasticity mechanisms regulate behavior in vivo

  • Santin, Joseph J.M (Investigador principal)
  • Santin, Joseph M. (CoPI)

Detalles del proyecto


A remarkable trait of the healthy brain is that it can generate stable behaviors that last for decades. When this
fails to occur, a range of neurological disorders follow. An emerging view is that neurons can sense
disturbances in their activity and then make compensatory adjustments to stabilize their function, a process
referred to broadly as “homeostatic plasticity.” Insights into homeostatic plasticity have improved our
understanding of how neurons may remain stable in an ever-changing environment. Despite much progress,
how these mechanisms work in the intact brain to produce behaviors across the lifespan remains largely
unknown, and therefore, represents a major gap in basic neurobiology. We address this issue using an
innovative model where there exists a direct relationship between homeostatic compensation in neurons and
regulation of a tractable behavior during adult life: the respiratory motor system in frogs. For long periods each
year, motor circuits that control breathing in these animals are inactive because they hibernate in water and do
not breathe air. Our group recently discovered this environment leads to compensatory changes in
motoneurons that allow the circuit to work appropriately when animals must breathe again after months of
inactivity, thereby linking plasticity that stabilizes neuronal function to a vital and tractable behavior. Here, we
exploit this system to test three hypotheses that address the central question of how homeostatic mechanisms
arise in vivo to support adaptive behavior. Based on our preliminary data, we hypothesize that (1) this network
relies on multiple forms of intrinsic and synaptic motor plasticity to generate appropriate output, (2) intrinsic and
synaptic compensation follow unique time courses during inactivity due to distinct gene regulatory networks,
and (3) activity and environmental stimuli interact to differentially regulate intrinsic and synaptic compensation.
These hypotheses will be tested with an integrative approach that blends patch clamp electrophysiology to
measure plasticity at the cellular level, single-cell RNA sequencing and quantitative PCR to link gene
expression to physiology, electromyography to measure neuromuscular function in vivo, and extracellular
recording to assess function of intact circuits. Overall, this work will inform how neurons integrate multiple
types of plasticity to produce essential behaviors, a goal that must be achieved to understand how circuit
function remains healthy throughout life in many individuals but fails in others to cause disease.
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  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: USD1.00
  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: USD355,625.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Fisiología

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