• Fennimore, S. A. S.A. (Investigador principal)

Detalles del proyecto


this is an integrated project focused on alternatives to methyl bromide (mb). this proposal is relevant to mbt goals to develop alternatives to mb - through development of fumigant and nonfumigant treatments for strawberry plant nurseries.strawberry nurseries must provide a high level of sanitation to produce healthy plants and avoid pest dispersal. strawberry nurseries continue to use mb for control of soilborne pests under the quarantine and preshipment exemption (qps). concerns about long-term availability of mb and lack of a suitable alternative to mb mean that reliable fumigant and non-fumigant alternatives are urgently needed for the u.s. strawberry nursery industry.steam is a dependable non-fumigant method of soil disinfestation that controls soilborne pathogens and weeds in field soils. previous usda nifa mbt funded research found that strawberry plant yields in steam treated soils were the same as mb, and that fumigant allyl isothiocyanate co-applied with steam enhanced pathogen control. we propose to develop an integrated soil disinfestation system designed for strawberry nurseries. we request funds: (1) to evaluate an integrated field-scale soil steam program supplemented with atic and exothermic compounds for soil disinfestation; (2) to evaluate high-efficiency steam for soil disinfestation at strawberry nurseries (3) perform socio-economic analyses of treatments and (4) deliver results to industry, growers and the public. proposed work will be at strawberry nurseries in california and north carolina. we expect to develop an integrated soil disinfestation system based on steam and fumigants for strawberry nurseries in the u.s. and to transfer our findings to interested parties.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/9/2031/8/24


  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture: USD499,875.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Edafología
  • Agricultura y biología (todo)

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