Condensed Matter Physics 2016 Principal Investigator Workshop

Detalles del proyecto


This project will support a workshop for Principal Investigators (PI's) in the Condensed Matter Physics Program within the NSF Division of Materials Research. The workshop will be held in Arlington, VA in late May or early June 2016 and will provide PI's with a venue to interact with each other and program officers and to gain valuable information on best practices for broader impacts which are an important component of the grant evaluation criteria for NSF awards. Broader Impacts cover the societal benefits of NSF funded research and a foundation wide conference recently focused on the various activities that comprise the broader impacts of an NSF award. These include the development of a trained STEM workforce, impact on other fields, education of students at all levels and outreach to the public. This workshop will focus on the development of effective broader impacts for grants, best practices in these areas and methods to develop effective communication among PI's and with the general public. This workshop will help to create a more knowledgeable, sophisticated and successful CMP community.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/5/1630/4/17


  • National Science Foundation: USD49,000.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Física de la materia condensada
  • Ciencia de los materiales (todo)

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