Collaborative Research: Microbial Regulation of Greenhouse Gas N2O Emission from Intertidal Oyster Reefs

  • Piehler, Michael M.F. (Investigador principal)

Detalles del proyecto


Intellectual Merit: Oyster reefs are biogeochemical hot spots and prominent estuarine habitats that provide disproportionate ecological function. Suspension-feeding eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, are capable of improving water quality and diminishing eutrophication by filtering nutrients and particles from the water and depositing them in the sediments. Remineralization of these deposits may enhance sedimentary denitrification that facilitates nitrogen removal in tidal estuaries. However, the scientific underpinning of oyster reef function has been challenged in various studies. In addition, recent studies of filter feeding invertebrates reported the production of nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas, as an end product of incomplete denitrification by gut microbes. C. virginica could be another source of N2O flux from intertidal habitats. Preliminary work indicated substantial N2O production from individual oysters. The estimated N2O production from high density oyster reefs may exceed the N2O flux measured from some estuaries. With the new discovery of N2O emission and uncertainty regarding eutrophication control, the ecological value of oyster reef restoration may become equivocal. This project will quantify N2O fluxes to understand the factors controlling N2O emission from oyster reefs. Sedimentary N processes will be examined to develop an oyster reef N model to estimate N2O emission from tidal creek estuaries relative to other N cycling processes. The PIs hypothesize that intertidal oyster reefs are a substantial source of N2O emission from estuarine ecosystems and the magnitude of emission may be linked to water quality. If substantial N2O flux from oyster reefs is validated, ecological benefits of oyster reef restoration should be reevaluated. This interdisciplinary research team includes a microbial ecologist, a biogeochemist, an ecologist and an ecosystem modeler. They will utilize stable isotope and molecular microbiological techniques to quantify oyster N2O production, elucidate microbial sources of N2O emission from oysters and sediments, and estimate seasonal variation of N2O fluxes from oyster reefs. Measurements from this study will be integrated into a coupled oyster bioenergetics-sediment biogeochemistry model to compare system level rates of N cycling on oyster reefs as a function of oyster density and water quality. Modeling results will be used to assess the relative trade-offs of oyster restoration associated with N cycling. They expect to deliver the following end products:1) estimation of annual N2O flux from oyster reefs as an additional source of greenhouse gases from estuaries, 2) a better understanding of the environmental and microbial factors influencing N2O and N2 fluxes in tidal estuaries, 3) transformative knowledge for the effect of oyster restoration on water quality enhancement and ecosystem function, 4) direct guidance for oyster restoration projects whose goals include water quality enhancement, and 5) a modeling tool for use in research and restoration planning.

Broader impacts will be manifested through diverse educational components and outreach. Four principal investigators will provide interdisciplinary training to at least three graduate students seeking a M.S. or Ph.D. Additional educational impacts will be accomplished both in the classroom and through individual undergraduate research projects. The inter-institutional group will provide semester long undergraduate field experiences based on this study. The project will provide research experience for high school students in which they participate in oyster incubation experiments and monitor N2O production. The ecological model will be translated into a user-friendly, online tool for use by other scientists, restoration managers, and educators, and develop related outreach material. Data from the project will be used as problem sets in a 'Isotope Biogeochemistry and Reaction and Transport' course. A commitment to underrepresented groups in the sciences will be realized at the graduate level through a Graduate Scholarship in Marine Sciences for Women and Underrepresented Groups.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/9/1231/8/17


  • National Science Foundation: USD208,955.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Ecología
  • Contaminación
  • Oceanografía
  • Ciencias ambientales (todo)

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