Carolina Center For Computational Toxicology: Assays, Models And Tools For Nextgen Safety Assessments

  • Tropsha, Alexander (Investigador principal)
  • Wright, Fred F.A (CoPI)
  • Rusyn, Ivan (CoPI)

Detalles del proyecto


The Carolina Center for Computational Toxicology ( EXIT is a broad, interdisciplinary partnership with a mission to devise novel experimental approaches and computational tools/methods with direct relevance to EPA's research and regulatory objectives. We will continue our productive research in support of Tox21 and NexGen by focusing on the following Objectives: (1) Develop a quantitative high-throughput screening (qHTS) approach to probe differential chemical effects in a population-based in vitro system; (2) Provide the computational toxicology solutions for risk characterization in NexGen assessments with a focus on point-of-departure and population variability; and (3) Develop cheminformatics-based, as well as enhanced chemical-biological, models of in vivo reproductive and developmental toxicity that rely on concomitant exploration of chemical descriptors and population-based screening data.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/7/1230/6/17


  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: USD1,200,000.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Seguridad, riesgos, fiabilidad y calidad
  • Toxicología
  • Ciencias ambientales (todo)

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