Bridging Mathematics Contents to Engineering Contexts; Just-In-Time Assessment and Review Modules

  • Ozturk, Hatice H.O. (Investigador principal)
  • Trussell, H. Joel H.J. (CoPI)
  • Duca, Alina A.N. (CoPI)

Detalles del proyecto



North Carolina State University (Primary)

Louisiana State University, Kentucky University, UNC-Ashville, UNC-Charlotte and NC A&T University


Mathematicians and engineering educators are collaborating to address the mathematics needs that can adequately support engineering students. The project is developing a series of individualized, just-in-time assessment and review (JITAR) mathematics modules that can help students in their engineering courses. The modules are part of an on-line system that can assess the mathematical competency level of a student and provide individualized developmental learning opportunities. The just-in-time learning opportunities will help students to successfully apply the necessary mathematics in their new engineering courses.

The project is creating an on-line software system that: 1) challenges students to address their conceptual understanding by emphasizing the engineering motivation for the mathematics reviewed; 2) supports diverse learning styles by offering formative feedback and guidance through the review process; and 3) provides instructors with content that can be customized for their mathematics needs, the goals of their course and their teaching approach. Classroom delivery of the modules is provided in a just-in-time fashion, whenever the relevant mathematics content is needed.


This effort addresses an urgent national need to improve the preparation of engineering majors, in order to increase motivation and degree success. Engineering retention is of particular concern among members of underrepresented groups, as well as among transfer students and non-traditional students returning to school from workplace. The project is helping students in underrepresented groups improve their mathematics skills, thus creating multiple pathways for them to excel in STEM courses. The online system is impacting engineering students at schools throughout the country and can be customized to also support other discipline areas (e.g., statistics, physics, chemistry). The individualized approach to assessment and review of the mathematics concepts is increasing the confidence and ability of students, providing valuable feedback to their instructors, and helping to improve the retention of underrepresented groups in engineering programs.

Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/9/1331/8/17


  • National Science Foundation: USD199,999.00

!!!ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Matemáticas (todo)
  • Educación

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