University of Florida Intensity Frontier Program

Project Details


The University of Florida is involved in two separate research areas under the Intensity Frontier umbrella. We are heavily involved with the study of neutrino physics (Ray and Furic) and in the study of e+e- annihilations using Belle and Belle II (Yelton).The objectives of the neutrino portion of the proposal are: to search for low-mass sterile neutrinos that can resolve the tension of confusing observations seen in the neutrino sector; complete cross section measurements of neutrino interactions; and continue to contribute to the development and construction of DUNE.[FK1] [R2] These outcomes are expected to have important positive impact by greatly improving the precision of current measurements, providing a precision test of current theoretical models, definitively probing some outstanding mysteries in the neutrino sector, and as vital input to the future experimental program of DUNE.We are responsible for the Helium Charged Current (CC) Inclusive analysis in MINERvA's low and medium-energy neutrino data (LE and ME, respectively) in addition to performing the absolute Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) and CC Inclusive target ratio analyses in the ME data; we are in charge of the installation and commissioning of the Photon Detection System (PDS) and Cold Electronics (CE) systems at SBND; we are involved in data collection and analysis for CCM which is a test bed for the SBND PDS system; we are the first DUNE university group tasked with testing the ColdADC Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) developed by a consortium of DOE Laboratories (Brookhaven, Fermilab, and Berkeley). The P.I.'s efforts are closely aligned and synergistic across experiments. These experiences provide us with the expertise necessary to naturally continue in a leadership position on all fronts for this objective. We have assigned appropriate person-power to these tasks and we are well suited to undertake and lead the proposed research. The neutrino group at the University of Florida has the expertise necessary to carry the goals of this proposal to a successful conclusion.An objective of the Belle (II) portion of this proposal is the development of software for the Belle II collaboration, and the analysis of the new Belle II data incorporating the existing Belle data. The proposed analysis program of research is centered on charmed baryon production and decay, with a particular stress on the excited hyperons in the decay products. This knowledge will add to the understanding of the underlying quark structure of baryons. The proposal also includes completion of specific 'dark sector' searches. The proposed software development is to continue to produce and maintain standard programs for hyperon reconstruction and selection for the entire Belle II collaboration.Both research areas fit well into the description of the Intensity Frontier.[FK1]Ordering should be by importance rather than time schedule? Most important: search for low-mass sterile neutrinos and resolve the tension of ovservations in the neutrino sector, but then confused how to order DIS vs CCM. We need to brainstorm this paragraph[R2]Done. CCM isn't mentioned here, no need to be confused. Think you were just too tired?
Effective start/end date1/4/2030/6/23


  • High Energy Physics: US$3,411,000.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Software
  • Energy(all)


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