Topographic/HSI Active Transceiver (TOPHAT)

  • Coward, Jim J. (PI)

Project Details


ABSTRACT: SA Photonics is pleased to propose the development of the HyperFlash Hyperspectral imaging transceiver system. HyperFlash leverages SA Photonics technology from Air Force, Navy, Army, and DARPA program into an active high performance hyperspectral imaging system with day/night capability. HyperFlash utilizes SA Photonics'FLASH supercontinuum source for broadband illumination. Flash has demonstrated robust high power operation in the lab and will be transitioning to customer sites in 1st quarter 2014. For the receiver, SA Photonics is teamed with North Carolina State University for the development of the SHIFT snapshot hyperspectral imager. Finally, HyperFlash also utilizes SA Photonics proven AccuPoint high precision beam control system. AccuPoint provides hemispherical coverage with high control bandwidth for image stabilization in the presence of jitter. BENEFIT: The HyperFlash active hyperspectral imager transceiver has several key benefits. First, the transmitter is based on SA Photonics'proven robust, very high power Flash supercontinuum source. Second, the receiver is based on SA Photonics EagleEye hyperspectral imager which leverages SHIFT technology developed by our partner. The SHIFT technology has no moving parts enabling robust operation in challenging environments and also enabling very fast scan and data processing times. Finally, Flash utilizes SA Photonics AccuPoint beam control technology high at proven high speed, high precision beam control in government use and in prime contractor field trials. The Air Force gains the benefit of leveraging these mature technologies reducing risk and development cost for an active day/night hyperspectral imaging system.

Effective start/end date20/5/1420/2/15


  • U.S. Air Force: US$149,999.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
  • Engineering(all)
  • Radiation


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