Theoretical Astrophysics and Gravitational Physics

Project Details





Diverse aspects of black hole physics will be studied by Whiting. These include thermodynamics, the results of quantum effects, and the interaction of black holes with matter, which give rise to the most exotic disturbances induced on spacetime. Principally, analytic means will be employed, and particular emphasis will be placed on what can be learnt about spacetimes involving gravitational collapse. This investigation will build on previous work and will include a focus on the impact of Hawking evaporation on the global structure of black holes which form during collapse.

Astrophysical sources contain matter in extreme states which are not normally reproducible for direct study here on earth. In this project, Ipser will investigate the physical properties of matter in very compact objects (stars), including in the limit where the objects become unstable. The state of rapid rotation, and the presence of accretion disks affect the observable characteristics of these objects. A variety of recently developed techniques, both analytic and numerical, will be used to interpret observations of the astrophysical systems under study, especially their associated emissions in the x-ray part of the spectrum and including their gravitational radiation. The work on black holes and quantum effects will contribute to our fundamental understanding of nature, with emphasis on the connection between the areas of quantum physics and gravitational physics. The work on stellar models will provide insight into the connection between the observed features of such configurations and the behavior of extreme states of (nuclear) matter; and also into the likelihood of using modern detectors to observe the gravity-wave emissions from these configurations. The work on accretion disks will lead to an understanding the time behavior of the luminous and x-ray emissions from compact objects such as accreting black holes. As well as having a direct impact through the venue of international scientific meetings, this combined work will enrich the education and advanced training of students through access in lectures, seminars and colloquia.


Effective start/end date15/7/9831/8/01


  • National Science Foundation: US$70,211.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Physics and Astronomy(all)


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