The DREAM STEM Project: 'STEMulating' Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • Jackson, Caesar C.R. (PI)
  • Tokuta, Alade O. (CoPI)
  • Hollowell, Gail G. (CoPI)
  • Bradley, Tanina T. (CoPI)

Project Details


The Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Undergraduate Program provides support projects to design, implement, and assess strategies that can lead to comprehensive institutional efforts to increase the number of students receiving undergraduate degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and enhance the quality of their preparation by strengthening STEM education and research. The project at North Carolina Central University seeks to produce the next generation of scientists who are creative problem solvers, self-directed learners, innovators, knowledge generators, and economic stimulators. The overall goal is to significantly increase the retention and graduation rate of underrepresented minority students at the University choosing career paths in STEM majors, graduate programs, and workforce.

The activities and strategies involve: implementing a proactive advising system; contributing to students' science identity development; launching problem-based learning pedagogy in undergraduate mathematics and science courses; and stimulating innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. The activities and strategies are evidence-based and what is learned through this project can serve as a model for other institutions. The project is informed by an on-going evaluation.

Effective start/end date15/7/1730/9/18


  • National Science Foundation: US$349,999.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Business, Management and Accounting(all)
  • Mathematics(all)
  • Education
  • Computer Science(all)
  • Engineering(all)
  • Medicine(all)


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