• Thompson, Alton A. (PI)

Project Details


For a number of years, the Association of Extension Administrators (AEA) and the Association of Research Directors (ARD) recognized a need to increase the collaboration and partnership among 1890 research scientists and 1890 extension specialists to better serve various constituents. In 2005, AEA and ARD sponsored a joint conference to bring research and Extension professionals together to strengthen the partnership between the two groups. However, the other entities of the 1890 family were not included. A similar conference is being planned; however, it will expand upon the previous conference by including participants from all segments of the 1890 land grant family, including Extension, research, teaching, international programs and the librarians. The conference will be hosted by AEA and ARD, in cooperation with the 1890 land-grant universities. Both AEA and ARD are aware of the importance of a strong partnership among all components of the 1890 land-grant system for future viability. Moreover, each organization is of the opinion that the 1890 clients are better served when professionals in Research, Extension, and teaching understand the interrelatedness between the land-grant functions. Therefore, the leadership of AEA and ARD agreed to sponsor a conference for the 1890 Land Grant System. The planning committee includes representation from all segments of the 1890 system. Further, with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service (CSREES) placing more emphasis on competitive grants programs that address the integration of research, extension, and teaching, it was felt that the 1890 universities need to develop a better understanding of the importance of working more closely together. Outcomes/impact and anticipated benefits: A stronger partnership between the various units would enable the 1890 institutions to become more competitive when responding to requests from USDA/CSREES to submit applications for funding from the integrated competitive grant program in the areas of obesity and wellness, youth development, renewable energy and food safety.

Effective start/end date1/10/1330/9/15


  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture: US$10,000.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Agricultural and Biological Sciences(all)
  • Agronomy and Crop Science
  • Food Science


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