Southern Chile, a test bed for monitoring glacio-volcanic regions: towards an understanding of tectonic controls on glacial dynamics

  • Jonathan, Lees L. (PI)

Project Details


Our current understanding of ice shelf and glacial dynamics depends on the knowledge of crustal deformation and the contribution from structural and rheological components of the underlying lithosphere. Recent work in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula has indicated that rifiting and stalled subduction controls present deformation, but improved seismic coverage is needed to better understand these processes. Before future deployments can be carried out, the characterization of glacial and volcanogenic seismic and acoustic events must be carried out. Here we propose to carry out a study in the Southern Chilean Volcanic Zone to test instrument deployment strategies and data analysis techniques. The region is host to multiple glacier-capped volcanoes, including Hudson volcano, thus it represents an ideal natural laboratory for the proposed fieldwork. The fieldwork will involve deploying 12 seismometers and 12 infrasound microphones across a network, including an array. The seismometers will be a Trimble REF TEK broadband seismometer, and the microphone will be a Chaparral Infrasound sensor. These instruments have been chosen due to their portability and ability to function in difficult conditions, ideal for the Southern Chilean Volcanic Zone. Each station will be deployed for up to 6 months to collect the data required for this study. The results of this study will help differentiate between volcanogenic and cryogenic sources of seismo-acoustic activity. The data will also be used to assess the Hudson volcanic system, a remote and little studied system. Ultimately, the results of this study will feedback into future projects and deployments in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula to understand the tectonic deformation and glacial dynamics within the region.

Effective start/end date1/3/19 → …


  • U.S. Army: US$171,050.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Geophysics
  • Social Sciences(all)


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