Scanning Probe and Florescence Microscope for Biotronic Interfaces Based on Individual Cells and Wide Bandgap Semiconductors

  • Albena, Ivanisevic I. (PI)

Project Details


The proposal requests the purchase of a combined scanning probe and florescence microscopy system to image semiconductor/bio-interfaces based on wide bandgap semiconductors and individual microorganism cells. We propose to purchase the MFP-3D-BIO from Asylum Research, which is a high-performance scanning probe microscope designed specifically for biological applications. The MFP-3D is a versatile, modular design which combines the sub-molecular resolution imaging and precision force measurements of AFM with the broad range of optical microscopy techniques for simultaneous AFM and Brightfield, Phase Contrast, and Fluorescence. As part of the requested funds we will integrate the scanning probe microscope with a new inverted optical and florescence microscope from Olympus along with a camera and a set of objectives. The interfaces investigated by the PI and co-PI require time lapse imaging at multiple scales. The proposed microscope system is optimized for macro to micro imaging of cells, tissues, and small organisms, along with characterization of their mechanical properties. In addition, the system can perform state of the art characterization of the electronic component, the semiconductor interface, via variety of scanning modes such as lateral force microscopy, Kelvin probe and Force spectroscopy. The proposed instrument will enhance the data gathered through current Army Research Office funding and is essential for monitoring individual cell behavior in real time.

Effective start/end date15/3/19 → …


  • U.S. Army: US$266,402.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Spectroscopy
  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Social Sciences(all)


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