REU Site: Multifunctional Materials Systems

  • Lagoudas, Dimitris D.C. (PI)

Project Details


This three year REU Site on Multifunctional Materials Systems at Texas A&M University will focus on the engineering science of multiscale fabrication, characterization, modeling and simulation of advanced structural materials for improved mechanical, electrical, thermal, optical, electromagnetic functionalities, and overall actuating or sensing capabilities. The three main objectives of the program are: 1) to emphasize multifunctional materials research across multiple disciplines and application for a variety of engineering systems; 2) to conduct research at the nano-level with an appreciation of its impact at the system design level and for designers to consider the impact nanotechnology could have on their component and system designs; and 3) to expose students to the concepts of technology innovation for emerging functional engineering systems. The REU students will be mentored by faculty from the departments of aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineering and graduate students, and post doctoral researchers. During the REU summer program students will have the opportunity to interact with high school mathematics and science teachers who will be participating in a companion Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program.

In addition to the research activities, the REU participants will attend weekly workshops on ethics in research, report writing, presentation skills, and on the graduate school application and funding processes. The students will be required to make formal mid-program progress reports to the PIs, faculty advisors and their peers. Finally, at the end of the summer students will present an oral multimedia or poster presentation of their research.

What are the broader impacts of the proposed activity?

Recruitment for this REU program will have a special focus on recruiting students from Grambling State University, Prairie View A&M University, North Carolina A&T University, Southern University at Baton Rouge, Tuskegee University, and University of Texas at El Paso and Texas State University at San Marcos. The goal is to have outstanding undergraduate students majoring in the engineering, physical sciences, computer science, or mathematics disciplines participating in this REU Site program. The program will provide the students with a world view of advanced materials research through seminars given by national and international leaders, as well as opportunities for extended research internships or visits to national facilities and international experiences.

'This REU Site is co-funded by the Department of Defense in partnership with the NSF REU program.'

Effective start/end date15/5/1031/12/14


  • National Science Foundation: US$345,000.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Engineering(all)
  • Education


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