Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study III (REDS-III) Domestic Hub

  • Ballantyne, Christie C (CoPI)
  • Triulzi, Darrell D (PI)
  • Shan, Hua H (CoPI)
  • Jackson, Rebecca R (CoPI)
  • Brambilla, Donald D (CoPI)
  • Stefanick, Marcia M (CoPI)
  • Wastawski-wende, Jean J (CoPI)
  • Heiss, Gerardo (CoPI)
  • Murphy, Edward E (CoPI)
  • Seamon, Bradford B (CoPI)
  • Busch, Michael M (CoPI)
  • Shumaker, Sally S.A (CoPI)
  • Snyder, Edward E (CoPI)


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Medicine and Dentistry

Nursing and Health Professions