RAPID-System-level Professional Development: Articulating Research Ideas that Support Implementation of PD Needed for Making the CCSS in Mathematics Reality for K-12 Teachers

  • Sztajn, Paola P. (PI)
  • Smith, Margaret M. (CoPI)
  • Marrongelle, Karen K.A. (CoPI)

Project Details


This project is engaged in an effort to pull together a diverse set of experts to make research-based recommendations on how to implement massive professional development that is needed to effectively employ the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in a way that will reform classroom instruction in mathematics for grades K-12. Thirty-five states have adopted the CCSS in mathematics, and there is a need to help teachers and the public learn about the standards and how to use them to increase mathematics learning. The project is convening a meeting of experts to recommend how to design, implement, and assess large-scale professional development systems that have the potential to reform mathematics instruction. A final report with recommendations and reactions from professional organizations will be disseminated through the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

The work of the project is assisted by the following organizations: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Mathematics Association of America, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, and the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics.

Effective start/end date1/3/1128/2/14


  • National Science Foundation: US$199,705.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Mathematics(all)
  • Education


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