RAPID: Quantifying the Influence of Interbasin Groundwater Flow on the Hydrologic Export of Dissolved Carbon from a Lowland Rainforest

  • Genereux, David D.P. (PI)

Project Details


This project will facilitate continued data collection on water-carbon

linkages between the rainforest and the deeper hydrogeological system by continuing measures and the continuity of a critical data stream begun under previous NSF funding and as the object of planned projects. Routine weekly data will be collected by a local Costa Rican technician (local high school teacher) who has worked with the project since 2000.

Effective start/end date1/4/1031/3/11


  • National Science Foundation: US$2,066.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Water Science and Technology
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences(all)


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