RAPID: Collaborative Research: Marsh Sedimentation due to Hurricanes Florence and Michael Flooding Event in SC

  • Fitzgerald, Duncan D.M. (PI)
  • Hughes, Zoe Z. (CoPI)

Project Details


Hurricanes are responsible for the destruction of sandy shorelines and devastation to coastal cities and residential communities. However, scientists have recently begun to recognize that they can have net positive influences on some coastal systems. In particular, although storm waves may cause surface excavation and erosion of the marsh edge in coastal wetlands, hurricanes may also cause net sedimentation during storm surge inundation: storm waves and currents stir sediment off the bottom in the nearshore and within bays and deposit this suspended sediment on marshes during the accompanying storm surge. Although this process is infrequent, a single hurricane can add more inorganic sediment to the marsh surface than is emplaced by daily processes acting over several decades. It has also been shown that marsh plant communities benefit from storm sedimentation due to the added nutrients derived from the new mud. Thus, hurricanes can significantly increase the resiliency of marshes and help their sustainability in a regime of accelerating sea-level rise. This past September, Hurricane Florence was predicted to be a category 4 hurricane and wreak havoc along the North Carolina coast. However, upper wind shear significantly reduced wind velocities, downgrading the storm to a category 1 hurricane by the time it made landfall. Still as the hurricane moved inland, precipitation associated with the storm deluged coastal regions of North and South Carolina with 6 to 20 inches of rain. This amount of rain over a three day period greatly increased the stage and discharge of local rivers, several of which empty directly into Winyah Bay in central South Carolina. These flood waters carried large plumes of suspended sediment to the coastal ocean and to the proximal marshes. We plan to measure this river-derived sediment in the Cape Romain region and compare this sedimentation event to storm-surge-derived deposits mapped in 2017 following Hurricane Irma.

The major goal of this study is to document the potential benefits of increased rates of inorganic sedimentation caused by Hurricanes Florence and Michael to the marsh system backing the Cape Romain cuspate foreland. Unlike Hurricane Irma in 2017, which generated high-energy waves, strong onshore winds, and a >1 m storm surge, and resulted in the deposition of a 1-2 cm thick mud layer, Hurricanes Florence and Michael had little direct impact on the marshes of central South Carolina due to their weaker winds and less impactful storm tracks. However, Florence, and to a much lesser extent Michael, produced intense precipitation, which vastly increased the stage and discharge of coastal rivers by an order of magnitude. Several of these rivers carried floodwaters and substantial quantities of suspended sediment directly into Winyah Bay and nearby marsh systems. Repeat coring of the Cape Romain marshes at locations previously sampled following Hurricane Irma would provide a rare opportunity to compare a high riverine sedimentation event to that produced by an energetic hurricane. We will revisit and resample our Cape Romain locations (10 stations along two transects), as well as measure our ten long-term SET sites near Muddy Bay (in Cape Romain). In addition, at least four other sites along the transects will be occupied to ensure broad spatial coverage of the hurricane-related deposit. Sediment cores, shallow surface sediment samples, and observations would be taken at each station to document new sedimentation, and determine if we can differentiate sediment delivered by each Hurricane Irma (wave- and storm-surge- induced from ambient sediment) and Hurricane Florence (introduction of new riverine sediment). The latter will be done via observations, sedimentological analyses (grain size, texture, physical structures, color) of short sediment cores and bulk geochemical analyses (TOC, TN, delta13CTOC, delta15NTN) of surface samples associated with each Hurricanes Irma and Hurricanes Florence/Michael. In addition, our existing SET records would be examined to determine if they capture past storm-associated spikes in sedimentation. Funds from NSF support field sampling and the lab processing and geochemical analyses of 20 surface sediment samples (10 each from Irma and Florence/Michael), and short-core analysis from our 10 cores to be collected at new sampling stations.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

Effective start/end date1/12/1830/11/19


  • National Science Foundation: US$10,100.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Geochemistry and Petrology
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences(all)


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