Plasma Etcher for High Energy Laser Optics

  • Aggarwal, Ishwar I. (PI)

Project Details


UNC Charlotte has been involved in making high energy laser (HEL) optics with very high laser induced damage threshold (LIDT). Thisis achieved by creating microstructure on the surface of optics using lithography and plasma etching. LIDT is 10 to 20 times betterthan routine anti-reflection (AR) coatings. The equipment requested in this proposal is a Versaline Deep Silicon Etch Tool, manufactured by Plasma-Therm LLC, of St. Petersburg, Florida. The proposed tool can implement etching processes in silicon, oxides, and other optical materials. Unique capabilities of this tool allow production of structures that are very deep compared to their width, high-aspect structures with very smooth sidewalls, and structures with tapered side walls at specific angles. These non-standard sidewall profiles are not available from our current etching toolset. The proposed equipment will also be used in research-related educational and training programs. Students in our MS and PhD programs in OpticalScience & Engineering often pursue experimental researchin optoelectronic device development as part of their thesis requirements. UNC Charlotte has already placed several PhD candidates in DoD e.g., NRL, Dahlgren, and NSA. Many thesis projects are supported by grants, scholarships, and contracts from Department of Defense agencies as well as corporate research sponsors. This DURIP proposal details the need for UNC Charlotte to purchase a modern, multi-function plasma etching system.

Effective start/end date1/2/23 → …


  • U.S. Navy: US$585,416.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Surfaces, Coatings and Films
  • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
  • Social Sciences(all)


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