NetSE: Large: Collaborative Research: Platys: From Position to Place in Next Generation Networks

  • Singh, Munindar P. (PI)
  • Rhee, Injong I. (CoPI)

Project Details


This project develops a high-level notion of context that exploits the capabilities of next generation networks to enable applications that deliver better user experiences. In particular, it exploits mobile devices -- always with a user -- to capture key elements of context: the user's location and, through localization, characteristics of the user's environment. What matters for the user experience is the user's place: a location in conceptual terms such as 'at home,' 'jogging,' or 'grocery shopping' -- descriptions that combine positions with activities, environmental properties, and the activities of other nearby people. Realizing this notion of place requires that information from devices and infrastructure flow in ways unanticipated in current network architectures. It presumes enabling opportunistic interactions while preserving the users' privacy and designing incentive mechanisms to promote cooperation without exploitation of any. The above architectural concerns lie far beyond traditional network topics such as routing.

This project will develop, demonstrate, and evaluate a novel network architecture that gives primacy to user experience. It will lead to theoretical advances in semantic context modeling, mobility tracking at multiple levels of abstraction, collaborative localization, and incentive mechanisms. Networked applications offering enhanced user experience will have significant payoffs for industry and the productivity and quality of life of citizens. A prototype system will implement and evaluate context-aware services in university settings with prospects of expansion to K-12 schools and public facilities.

Effective start/end date1/9/0931/8/15


  • National Science Foundation: US$706,167.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Computer Science(all)


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