Integrated Remote Sensing and Visualization (IRSV) System for Transportation-Infrastructure Operations and Management Phase II

  • Chen, Shenen S. (PI)

Project Details


In response to the U.D. Department of Transportation-Research Innovative Technology Administration (USDOT-RITA CRS-SI Initiative #2: Transportation Infrastructure Construction and Condition Assessment, this Phase 2 project (USDOT designation) is targeted at (1) validation of new Commercial Remote Sensing and Spatial Information (CRS-SI) applications for bridge management systems at the state and local levels, and (2) application of CRS-SI to existing structure condition assessment. Begun in 2007, a research partnership (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, ImageCat Incorporated, Charlotte Department of Transportation and North Carolina Department of Transportation has completed a proof-of-concept project to develop an Integrated Remote Sensing and Visualization (IRSV) System that integrates LiDAR scan and sub-inch-resolution aerial photography which promises to extend the available CRS-SI tools to enhance bridge inspection and data management. The goal of this project is to enhance IRSV performance and develop a commercialization component through extended partnerships with departments of transportation, state highway administrations and public works agencies across the country.
Effective start/end date4/1/10 → …


  • U.S. Department of Transportation: US$1,385,825.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Transportation
  • Architecture
  • Building and Construction
  • Engineering (miscellaneous)


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