Conference Proposal: GA-5: Data Science in Indian Country

  • Dalbotten, Diana D.M. (PI)
  • Bueno Watts, Nievita N.B. (CoPI)

Project Details


The 5th Geoscience Alliance (GA-5) conference, 'Data Science in Indian Country,' funded under this award, will bring together geoscientists, Native leaders, educators, and students for the purpose of elevating Native American voices in the geosciences, promoting participation, advancing research, and fostering collaboration. This conference focuses on addressing the shift in science towards big data and how Native American perspectives can be incorporated in the collection and analysis of the Earth system. Because the geosciences have some of the lowest rates of ethnic and racial diversity, crucial voices are often lost in the discussion of data-rich complex problems that impact human societies (for example, resource management and environmental stewardship). Data that is stripped of cultural identity produces results that are incomplete. The GA-5 conference is designed to be transformative by facilitating critical discussions regarding data science centered on Indigenous perspectives. Results from discussions and the dissemination of findings will initiate a critical dialog about open data practices and the rights of Native Americans to have control over how data collected on their land is handled and interpreted. Such discussions will result in changes reflective of the values of, and sensitivity to, Native American perspectives. The conference will be held at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina, home to one of the largest Native American populations in the eastern United States.

The Geoscience Alliance (GA) is a national alliance of individuals committed to broadening participation of Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and people of Native Hawai'ian ancestry in the geosciences. The goals of the Geoscience Alliance are to: 1) create new collaborations that support geoscience education for Native American students, 2) establish a new research agenda that closes knowledge gaps about barriers and best practices related to Native American participation in the geosciences, 3) increase participation by Native Americans in setting the national geosciences research agenda, particularly on issues that impact Native lands, 4) communicate educational opportunities for Native American students in the geosciences, and 5) respect indigenous traditional knowledge. The GA-5 conference will promote knowledge-sharing on best practices for preparing all students to use data in the geosciences; support the academic and professional development of underrepresented minorities in geoscience disciplines; and provide participants with information about NSF-funded programs, internships, and undergraduate and graduate programs. Participants at the conference will be drawn from the geosciences, environmental and sustainability sciences, biology, engineering, mathematics and other related disciplines. Greater than 80% of participants will be from groups underrepresented in the geosciences with a focus on Native Americans, Alaska Natives and Native Hawai'ians and all participants will be encouraged to share current research in a poster session. A focus on networking at the conference will support all participants in developing a strong network of peers and collaborators in the geosciences.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

Effective start/end date1/6/2131/5/23


  • National Science Foundation: US$99,737.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Earth and Planetary Sciences(all)


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