Bridges to Doctorate - Bionformatics and Biomedical Bridges Between NCA&T and UNC-CH

  • Martin, Patrick M. (PI)
  • Byrd, Goldie S. (CoPI)
  • Jarstfer, Michael B. (CoPI)
  • Kc, Dukka D.B. (CoPI)

Project Details


North Carolina A&T State University (NCAT), the lead institution, in partnership with the
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (UNC) proposes to establish a Bridges to the
Doctorate (BTD) program to increase the number of students from underrepresented groups in
biomedical and bioinformatics research, who enter and successfully complete PhD programs in
these fields. Therefore, the Bioinformatics & Biomedical Bridge (BIB) Program at NCAT
is designed to provide a comprehensive series of intentional mentored activities that increase
the chances of underrepresented (UR) students in two departments remain in the
bioinformatic/biomedical sciences pipeline; and to pursue terminal degrees and careers in
these areas. Goals and specific measurable outcomes are centered around a set of
developmental and professional activities that will significantly increase the number of Masters
level graduate students who will proceed immediately to high quality PhD programs after
completing Masters degrees at North Carolina A&T State University. The overall objectives of
the North Carolina A&T BIB program are: 1) Expand the pool of underrepresented students
who remain in the bioinformatics and biomedical sciences pipeline through the PhD; 2)
Increase the BIB fellows' skills, preparation and commitment to continue to conduct cutting-
edge research; and 3) Improve BIB fellows' competitiveness for entering and completing
PhD level programs in the bioinformatics and biomedical sciences. Planned activities that
support these objectives and expected outcomes include: a pre-matriculation boot camp, an
intensive co-mentored research experience between BIB fellows at NCAT and UNC-CH,
implement a semester long comprehensive application and interview preparation workshop for
BIB fellows, establish a peer-to-peer “buddy” network between BIB fellows and PhD-level
students at UNC-CH to foster communications about the PhD experience to help demystify
the graduate school experience and establish a rigorous cross-disciplinary curriculum.
Additionally, we will implement a multi-pronged recruitment system to recruit and retain high
quality UR students with the potential to persist in the pipeline. The proposed program is
innovative because it uses a student-centric approach to prepare students for the academic
and research rigors as well as the intangible challenges faced by underrepresented students
transitioning into PhD programs. Moreover, the proposed program focus is to address growing
fields that are facing critical issues regarding the lack of diversity in its workforce and future
workforce pipeline.
The objectives in this proposal will increase the number of highly qualified UR students
prepared to enter advanced education in the fields of bioinformatics and biomedical sciences.
More importantly, the goals of the proposed BTD program align directly with the newly minted
NCAT strategic plan, “Preeminence 2020” as well as increase the number of highly qualified UR
candidates in big date and bioinformatics, fields that lack diversity in the current workforce and
diversity in the pipeline of future scientists. Utilizing the research strengths in bioinformatics and
biomedical sciences of UNC, and the focus of NCAT's strategic plan will benefit the
proposed bridge to doctorate program and make our two institutions an ideal collaboration to
house the proposed Bridges to Doctorate Program.
Effective start/end date1/8/1831/7/23


  • National Institute of General Medical Sciences: US$293,071.00
  • National Institute of General Medical Sciences: US$293,049.00
  • National Institute of General Medical Sciences: US$184,595.00
  • National Institute of General Medical Sciences: US$293,049.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology(all)
  • Medicine(all)


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