• Vankirk, James R. J.R. (PI)

Project Details


Executive Summary We propose to develop a comprehensive online Extension IPM library that catalogues and provides public access to high-quality online extension IPM documents. The database will use only information from public agencies committed to providing scientifically based information. These include Land Grant universities and state Extension programs, expected to be the primary source, but also other agencies such as USDA, US EPA, US Forest Service and state departments of agriculture. The database will be distributed publicly through the website and other established national websites such as national information system for the Regional Centers (, and will be developed and maintained in collaboration with the Regional IPM Centers. The project will facilitate delivery of Extension education programs for mature IPM systems by facilitating public access and use of pertinent Extension information. It will support development of educational materials and related tools by optimizing utilization of existing documents, and by prioritizing production of new materials. It will foster new collaborations among individuals and institutions by promoting sharing of existing materials and by identifying opportunities for collaborative development of new documents to address important gaps. It will provide information nationally across all IPM topics, and thus will facilitate pest management decision making on a national scale in many venues. Unlike popular commercial search engines, it will use only information provided by public agencies with no conflict of interest with the need to sell or promote products.

Effective start/end date1/10/1330/9/15


  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture: US$47,946.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Information Systems
  • Agronomy and Crop Science
  • Food Science


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