• Cruz, A. E. A.E. (PI)

Project Details


To solve complex food system challenges and adapt to climate change, there is a need for agricultural graduates who have technical competence but also understand impacts on the environment and society. In order to meet the growing demand for skilled professionals and increase minority participation in the agricultural workforce, we propose to develop the Agroecology Scholars Program in Research and Extension (ASPIRE) for Diversity REEU program. We will recruit 30 students, 10 per year for 3 years with at least 50% women and at least 40% from traditionally underrepresented groups to participate in a 10-week paid summer program. The program consists of 5 main activities comprising: 1) introductory tour, "Diverse Communities and Agriculture across NC"; 2) faculty-mentored research training; 3) structured ladder mentorship and network opportunities; 4) integrated extension activities; and 5) student-centered professional skills development and agriculture career exploration. Engaging diverse undergraduates in hands-on, cutting-edge sustainable agriculture and food systems research while providing professional development training will increase student interests and capacity in agriculture and food systems. Our project team of multidisciplinary researchers and educators in agroecology, robust stakeholder partnerships within the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS), Cooperative Extension and resources at North Carolina State University will ensure a quick start and successful program.

Effective start/end date1/4/2031/3/24


  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture: US$359,524.00

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Food Science
  • Agricultural and Biological Sciences(all)
  • Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology(all)


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